Anime suggestions for anime lovers|Gaurav's Blog

Anime suggestions for anime lovers

Posted by Gaurav Vasistha on September 13,2016 , views (1858)

Rosario + vampire

This is the anime that gives you the total anime experience. All the things that an anime needs to have are on it.

The plot moves really slow but the overall story is kind of good.

It is a story of a boy who somehow manages to get into monsters school.

[School full of vampires and other weird Japanese creatures]

And all the cute female monsters start falling for him (Important anime ingredient).

There might be some inappropriate scenes. (Another important anime ingredient).

If I had to rate it I would give it a “meh” /5. Not that great anime but somewhat entertaining.

Akame ga kill

Another conventional anime. Includes everything an anime should have.

This is a story of a stubborn boy who somehow gets recruited in the assassination squad called Knighto raido [“Knight Raid” in English] and all the female assassins fall for him including the enemy’s main boss. :D (One of the important anime ingredient).

There might be some inappropriate scenes. (Another important anime ingredient)

I would rate it 3/5.


Well this is somewhat different from the other anime in this list. That is because it doesn’t have much action. It is a comedy love story.

The son of Japanese Yakuza is in dilemma on whether to go after girls from his school who seem to have fallen for him (One of the important anime ingredient) or to keep promise he had made with a girl 10 years ago, who he barely remembers.

There might be some inappropriate scenes. (Aother important anime ingrident)

The rating would be 3.5/5


This is a musical anime. You guys should already know that makes it totally different from any other anime. It doesn’t have any such inappropriate scenes and girls don’t automatically fall for the guy.

It is a story of a normal boy who starts a musical journey with his friends.

This is not like any other anime I have seen but in a good way.

Rating: 4/5

Author : Gaurav Vasistha

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