History of Indian interference with its neighbors business. |Gaurav's Blog

History of Indian interference with its neighbors business.

Posted by Gaurav Vasistha on October 08,2015 , views (2470)

India was ruled by British from 1858 to 1947. There was a very popular concept which Britishers used that is "Divide and conquer". This was the strategy used to take control over India. The Britishes left and India became independent. The british learned valuable lesson from Indians and Indians learnt many things from them. One of which is the concept of "Divide and conquer". This concept has been hard-coded in Indians very deeply. And it has been used by Indians as an attempt to take control over its neighbors.

The concept was initially used in East- Pakistan (Now called Bangladesh) where Indian military entered claiming to be Pakistanis and protested the Pakistani rule and demanded a free state (Sounds really similar to whats happening in Tarai). Which ignited a war between the east and west Pakistan and Bangladesh came to be in 1971. Bangladesh's war of independence was heavily influenced by Indians residing in Bangladesh.

Meanwhile, Sikkim was struggling on its own when Indians took interest on them and The Indian government appointed a Chief administrator, Mr. B. S. Das, who effectively wrested control of the country away from the King.

Indian reserve police were moved in and took control of the streets of Gangtok, after the Indian Army placed the palace of the Chogyal(King) under siege, the borders were closed and little was known until American climber Caril Ridley happened into the capital and was able to smuggle photos and legal documentation out. When confirmed by China, India’s actions were brought into the spotlight of world awareness, However history had already been written and matters came to a head in 1975, when Prime Minister Dorji appealed to the Indian Parliament for representation and change of status to statehood. And Sikkim officially merged with India in 1975.

Right after India gained control over Sikkim another nation started having problems of its own. In 1976, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil Tigers) came into existence. And Sri-lankans had a hard time dealing with them. So then, India being a good neighbor agreed to help Sri-lanka to fight the Tamil Tigers and provided them with military help. But then when the problem was solved the Indian military declined to leave Sri-Lanka but after a lot of attempts the Indian military left. And Sri-Lanka was successful to get rid of Indians.

I think Indians had some influence over Tamil Tigers.

Most of these things are somehow relateable in Nepal. And who can say that what happened in Bangladesh, Sikkim and Sri-Lanka cannot happen in Nepal. The influential RAW agents existence is well known in Nepal. They recruit very easily and probably have their people in high ranking posts. That may be the reason why Nepali politicians are so afraid to even talk about the problems caused by Indians.

What i think is that we are at a very crucial point. And if the government doesn't take actions accordingly then what happened in Bangladesh can happen in Tarai.

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