Most of us have probably read this somewhere in the internet before. And then came this advertisement. In my opinion how you look at this image depends on your perspective and nowadays people's perspectives have switched from their own opinions to the opinions that are politically and socially correct.
This advertisement might seem little inappropriate but i am not posting this to judge an advertisement. I am posting this because i have a question. And that is, Have we really solved all other problems and we have nothing to fix but this advertisement?? are there no bigger problems?? problems like homeless kids, earthquake victims, unemployment, corrupt politicians, lack of education, electricity, water etc etc. Did all these problems suddenly vanish?? or is it that all these problems were being piled up and this advertisement finally pushed us to take action [like john wick who lost everything and finally when villens kill his dog, he just loses his mind and starts killing bad people, ps i make movie references sometimes].
If we let these innocuous things offend us, then we are just diverting the hate from one direction to another. I dont think that the designer of this ad had a secret propaganda to discriminate women when he (probably a man, because only men can think in such a negative way) was thinking of new ideas for the advertisement and i dont think that the publisher also didnt look at it in that way. And if you are telling people about this ad to other people and are like, can you believe this shit, then you are just turning people against each other.
if we read the paper instead of that advertisement we can see that just above the offensive poster there is a news about landslide and how people were affected by it. But since that landslide didn't affect me or anyone i know so it is not a real problem. Or maybe i think it is not my burden to bare.
के तपाईलाई थाहा छ गोबिन्द के.सि किन अनसन बस्नु भएको छ?
i dont know maybe something to do with medical stuff. but hey check out this outrageous add.
संबिधान संसोधन गर्दा अंगिकृत नागरिकता को बिषय मा के हुदै छ ?
what the hell are you talkin about??BTW have you seen this super offensive add.