Why is Nepalese journalism taking the worst track?|Gaurav's Blog

Why is Nepalese journalism taking the worst track?

Posted by Gaurav Vasistha on November 20,2016 , views (4190)

I just want news i dont need your opinion on the things that happened.

These days probably all Nepalese news channels, papers, online news portals are somehow affiliated to some political parties and the public knows it but we dont have any news source that is clean and unfiltered so we are forced to watch all these crap and try to guess what really happened. Just because we heard it in a national television doesnt mean that it is 100% true.

Nepalese media these days are more concerned about selling the news so the matters that are more appealing to the public are presented ignoring the facts. And not just nepalese people but everyone in the world is attracted to these news which gives the journalists the idea that this is what people want. which is why there is more useless news these days. I know this because i have been a small time blogger for past few years and 2 years back there was an incident called "The fappenning" and all we did was post the news about the incident and that post became the highest viewed post in our blog. So it is quite easy to understand what people want. Journalists can give people want but should not cross the ethical boundaries and it should not hurt anyone.

It is true that controversial news are more appealing. But that doesn't mean that the following monstrosity should get his own show in the freaking national television.

He is everything that is wrong with nepalese media. No one wants to see this *** sexually harass female celebrity. But his show is shared hundreds of thousands of times in the internet and that is what gives them the wrong idea.

Nepalese journalists have performed few stunts that i would like to re remind you guys o about.

1. Nisha Adhikari Attacks journalists.


This occured few years back at the party organized after the success of movie loot. Nisha adhikari and Sahana Bajracharya were chilling in the ceremony when suddenly a cameraman decides he should do what no one else is doing and tries to take picture under their skirts. and then these models try to snatch the camera off from the journalists and since the journalists have the camera they can edit the shit out of any video footage to turn it into their favour. and Nisha and Sahana learned that even if any person with camera is trying to take inappropriate pictures of you you should keep quiet and not get bothered by these things. ( sarcasm:the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.)

[see what i did with the title. it was actually sahana bajracharya who attacked the journalist but i think more people know nisha adhikari than sahana bajracharya {THINGS BLOGGERS DO TO GET MORE VIEWS}]

Here is the twisted video.

2. The time when Dil Shova Shrestha's children's home called "AMA KO GHAR" was wrongfully accused of sexual abuse on its children.

This was also an incident that occurred few years ago. Republica published an article and released a tape record of the owner of that children's home talking to someone that sounded like a customer. But then later was found to be fake and edited and a photo of the owner of children's home crying was released in papers but probably no action was taken and the news company still proudly presents its news online and on papers. (I tried searching for this news but they probably removed those articles. If anyone has gotten their hands on the article please feel free to leave comments).


3.The "regmi kanda".

I think it is still too early to take side. But the program called Suman sanga reined the lives of the regmis. There are lot of blogs claiming that what she said are lies but its really difficult to trust blogs these days i mean literally anyone can publish articles in their blogs (sarcasm:the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.) and we being the responsible Nepali adults have declared war on the regmis and made their lives miserable.

and here's her husbands response

[Note:You can put any curse word in ***]

2016-11-26 Update::

Updates from Kantipur claiming the following. Be the judge yourself.

if you want to read the full article click the link below.


Personally i think this is a lame way to defend themselves from Kantipur media. Leave the news people(folks from kantipur) you have gained more popularity from this news than any other news.

2016-11-29 UPDATE

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